Machine Gun Kelly - "Tickets To My Downfall" Album Review
In a genre that seems on the tails of a resurgence in mainstream popularity comes well known rapper and singer Machine Gun Kelly who back in 2019 dipped his toes into pop punk and rock on his record "Hotel Diablo" which in tern set the bar for what would come on his first ever pop punk project "Tickets To My Downfall"; but there is a question that lingers, is the record a hit and a future staple of the genre? or is the record a flop and will fall into forgettable territory?. "Tickets To My Downfall" falls into two different categories with one being a record carried heavily by it's influences and the other being a record that tries to bring in modern touches to the core sound while making the record seem shallow and all over the place; but to the record's credit it does change up things here and there that keeps the record in some sort of focus. The record's opener and title track (which wittingly titled 'Title Track') is a track that s...